Just put these pages together to make the colours easier to browse through in one go and see at larger sizes. Pages may take a while to load.
Base CSS design and all images were originally curated by NeoColours, go check it out for a much more complete (and faster loading) collection of Neopets colours.
to neocolours
Known Missing Images :
female royalboy jetsam
female maraquan kiko
female woodland gnorbu
female woodland hissi
Other notes :
21-Oct-21 : Found UC yurble to add. Changed robots layout and added uncased versions. Adjusted scaling for UC compare page. Found another UC plushie gnorbu.
17-Oct-21 : Added page of all UCs and their conversions with.
27-Sep-21 : Added robots, special colours, fruit chias, babies, ice, woodlands, xmas, discos and basic colours.