
ver 1.0

This will give you a NeoColours-style page displaying all the images associated with your pet. You can then open it in your favourite browser and Save-As (using whichever "complete webpage" option your browser offers) to have all the images automatically put into a folder on your computer.

It has some options for customising as you like and of course you can save out as many seperate pages as needed, which you may consider doing for :
  • if you want to save a version with all the emotions included and then a seperate page with the happy images only for easier viewing
  • if you want to save a page with all pets across all your accounts, and then seperate pages for each account, or organising pets by theme, etc.
  • if you'd prefer to give each pet it's own page, or even make seperate pages for different customisation outfits

get it here


Keeping both "old poses" and the "sad/angry/ill" boxes unchecked will give you just the "happy" images for your pet, like so :

(Turning off the extra emotions can be useful for keeping the page tidier for pets that only have one expression, for example UCs and some robots pets.)

Checking both boxes will give you all associated images for all four emotions, as well as the pre-conversion images, like so :


(Example pets used in the above video aren't mine, Evaa I just grabbed from the customisation spotlight to demonstrate how customised pets display, the others were found listed at LostAndPound.)

1. File > Make a Copy to add this spreadsheet to your google/gmail account so it can be edited.

2. Add your pets' names and, optionally if you want the old images as well, check the appropriate box and add their colour and species.

3. Select column J, copy and paste into a new text file (you can use Notepad on Windows or Textedit on Mac).

Name it whatever-you-want.html and open it in a browser.

4. Wait for all the images to load and then Ctrl S (or Cmd S on Mac) and choose the "complete webpage" option to save the page (along with all the images, into a folder) locally onto your computer.

For saving different customisations just change an outfit and wait a second for Neopets to register the change and update your pet's images. Then you can refresh your generated .html file, wait for the new images to load up, and Save As (Ctrl/Cmd S) and save it with a new name.


If your .html file doesn't open correctly, check your computer hasn't added a sneaky (sometimes hidden) page.html.txt to the end of the filename.

You may need to check the file's properties if your system hides file extensions like .txt. Select the file and on Windows right-click and select Properties, on Mac press Cmd I or go to File > Get Info.